Tuesday, March 15, 2011

One Dress (Shirt)

Beware the Ides of March. That's a warning to all them jerks who are supporting sex slavery, not you, my dear readers.

Today is the day I start wearing one dress shirt for an entire month. The idea is not my own, but rather this is something started by my friend, Amy Seiffert. She decided about 4 months ago to wear one grey dress every day for six months as a way to raise money and awareness for The Daughter Project. Amy's idea was to use something she is passionate about, fashion, as a way to open doors and let people know what is going on, even just twenty minutes away in Toledo.

The Daughter Project works with girls who were victims of sex trafficking, helping them to get through the trauma of the experience, and works towards preventing other girls from being trafficked. You can find more information on through the link above.

So, dear reader, as I stated today is day one for my shirt. I don't expect to have quite the impact that Amy has had so far, its doubtful I'll show up on CNN, but perhaps I can spread some knowledge to the world of Findlay High School. We shall see, dear readers. We shall see.

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