Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Book It

Today I was approached by a math teacher I know in Fostoria. He saw that I had a novel in my hands and said, "You actually like reading?" "Yeah, I love it." "Whats the point if you aren't getting information from it?"

Rather than explaining the joys of fiction or telling him about the importance of story or daring him to walk down to the English hallway say that, I just shrugged and smirked. I did have class going on and students to attend to. But still, even if reading is not your thing, how can you not at least see that there is value to it?

Today I finished my 8th book this year (9th if you count the audio book I listened to). My little sister has probably read twice as many. Reading is just so good. Through stories we can tap into emotions often neglected, challenge our world view, laugh out loud with no one around, increase our effectiveness of communication, and do so many other things my friend Melissa would likely be ecstatic to list.

Donald Miller recently wrote on his blog about the importance of reading. In that he talked about how few Americans read beyond the requirements of education, and that if you read only one book after college you are already further ahead than the majority of Americans. What the butt?

Here is my proposed solution. Bring back Book It for adults. When I was in first grade I got stickers for every book I read, and every so many stickers got you a free personal pan pizza. If book reports meant free food, that might be enough to get some more people reading, or at least further reward those who already do.

Anyway, what are your thoughts on reading? Or what are you reading? I just finished "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" and loved it. I would love to hear from you.


  1. This makes my heart happy that you enjoy reading so much (but I already knew that about you) :) I totally agree with the Book It thing--I think more adults would be into it if they could get free food from it, especially college students. And you totally need to send Mr. O down to Sandy next time he questions why reading is important hehe :)

  2. It actually wasn't O who was hating on reading. Glad to hear some support for Book It, though.

  3. :) I thought maybe there was still some anger towards English after the garage sale of 2009 lol!!
