Monday, October 11, 2010


City Park is just two blocks away, and with free internet there I find myself making up to 3 trips a day. Its nice.

The leaves colors are changing, oranges and reds and yellows bursting forth, screaming "Chlorophyll be damned! I am not green!"

I wonder if perhaps this is the only time of year when we get to see the leaves true colors. If they did not depend on photosynthesis I suspect they'd be this color all year. Can the leaves sense that their time is almost through? Perhaps they are saying, "No more hiding, I'm the color of rust. If you don't like that you can go to Hell. I'll be dead and gone soon anyway."

Leaves live a short life, arriving in April, gone in October. Barely making it 6 months. I'd probably be bitter too.

Do leaves believe in reincarnation? Do they say to one another, "Being a maple leaf has been nice, but I hope I can come back as an elm, or a sassafras." What do they think of pine needles? I imagine they call them pretty nasty names.

As much of jerks as I am making out leaves to be towards others, I would guess that they are still pretty kind to their brothers and sisters on the same tree. They probably have endearing names for each other, like "Leafy" and "The Leafinator." When one of them falls off the tree, or gets eaten by a bug, I imagine they have long moments of silence. Perhaps the rustling of the trees is not the leaves rubbing each other, but the leaves crying over their lost brothers and sisters.

Fall is nice. The temperature is comfortable, the colors are stunning. Pumpkin finds its way into all these foods it leaves well enough alone the rest of the year. I am ready for it all.

Merry Autumn friends.

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