Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Test Run

One of my favorite Christian Blogs, "Stuff Christians Like" has opened up the doors for guest posts. Here is the entry explaining. At any rate, I want to do this, so I though I'd test my draft on you, the readers of Christ and Calculations. Let me know what you think, won't you?

Replacing Your Entire Music Collection with only Christian Music

It is a well known fact that God hates secular music. Try as they might, those shout outs given so freely at the MTV awards are earning no merit for today’s musicians and their worldly music, even if God does make the top of the thank you list. And if you listen to their music, well you’re a sinner just by proximity.

A few years ago I bought my father a Casting Crowns CD. I figured he would like it, but I had no idea that it would soon start a war with the rest of his music collection. In a realm once ruled by The Doobie Brothers, James Taylor, and Chicago, the power of classic rock and 70’s pop was disappearing faster than crock pot casseroles at church potlucks. Not only that, but soon there were more Casting Crowns CDs, and the assault moved to his wife’s music, and soon my little sister abandoned her Miley Cyrus CD for “The Alter and the Door.” Casting Crowns even worked its way into my own music library. Before I knew it, the only chance of hearing any secular music was in the short pauses while turning the knob on the radio to the Christian station.

I soon found Grits replaced any and all rap I had, Thousand Foot Krutch came in to replace that double dose of rock/rap heatheness from Linkin Park, and even Jars of Clay made a comeback to replace any music from the 90’s. If my music wasn’t praising God, or challenging my faith, why should I bother listening to it? Sure, James Taylor hasn’t really sung anything against God, but unless his next single is “Wonderful Grace of Jesus” I’m not getting it, and neither should you.

“I need more variety,” you say. “It sounds like you’ve replaced thousands of songs with three Christian CDs.” Yes, yes I have. If you find that you need more Christian Audio, get an audio bible. Those things take over 24 hours to listen to the whole way through. Consider each book a band. You just got yourself 66 new albums. That enough variety for you? My iPod, now affectionately referred to as my iGod, contains nothing but the music from my Christian CDs, an audio bible, and sermon podcasts. I’m currently working on installing a shofar as my car horn, so that as I’m driving I can add some extra praise to my listening experience.

Seriously though, God may be calling you to give up explicit music. I love Wu Tang Clan, and God does too, but He probably isn’t wild about all their songs. Is God calling my Dad to give up James Taylor? I doubt it. But if my Dad chooses to give up The Doobie Brothers for God, rather than giving them up out of some sort of religious obligation, that is pleasing to Him.


  1. Wow... the shofar line is classic. This really brings back way too many lectures we got in youth group. Its like they had nothing better to teach us than don't have sex and stop listening to secular music. But I loved the post, although you might want to restructure the last sentence it is a bit unclear

  2. Yes, please! I sincerely hope you get a guest blog on SCL!
