Monday, March 1, 2010

Eat! Drink! And do homework!

With the exception of making salsa one day, and baby sitting Robby another, I have been unemployed all semester until today. I finally have started subbing, and I can finally make some money. However that means that I cannot go to Steve's class on John anymore, at least not unless I don't have work on any given Tuesday. However, I did do the homework for his class (for once) and I wanted to share my thoughts.

Reflections on John 2:1-11

Christ's first miracle; turning water into wine. He take jars ordinarily used for cerimonial washing, has them filled with water, but when the servants go to draw from the pots they instead find wine. And not only that, but the greatest wine of the night. Furthermore the amount of wine was ridiculous.

Math Time!

6 pots each holding 20-30 gallons.
1 gallon is 128oz.
1 gallon contains 25.6 5oz. servings
Therefore Jesus produced in the range of 3072-4608 glasses of wine.

To put that into some more perspective, that would be enough to make all of McDonald Hall think twice before driving.

So whats this all mean?

According to Steve, and even more credibly, the ESV study bible, wine is used as a metaphor for joy. So here is Christ, bringing us the greatest, and seemingly endless joy. But what is he providing it in, but in making us clean and right with God. Pretty simple, right?

My friend Chris also pointed out to me that it was the bridegroom's responsibility to provide the wine. In this story the wine runs dry, and Christ then provides more and better wine than they had to begin with. Things of this world cannot provide like Christ does for us, and will not last either. Christ is the perfect bridegroom, and he will always provide.


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