I was hoping to have my next post be the wrap up of my blogs on The Lord's Prayer, however I could not pass up this chance to talk about today.
Today I turned 23. Its weird to see it in writing. However, today I have been reminded how much I am loved.
Lately I have not felt that as much. I am my father's son, and expressing emotions is not a strength of mine. I find too that I don't allow myself to get as close to people because it means that I have to start expressing that more with them as that happens. I use jokes and humor to prevent things from getting serious and building more substantial relationships.
It does not mean though that I do not love my friends, for I do, very much so. And today, with all the warm wishes I received I was made certain that the feeling is very much reciprocated.
Furthermore I was able to spend time with my friend Matt today. Matt is one of my oldest friends. I've known him since I was about 4. I actually remember the day we met. Might be my oldest vivid memory. Anyways, we had some beers and smoked some cigars he had bought and talked of the incredible things God is doing. It is incredible to look back on the things Matt and I have been through, the different phases in life we went through, and where we are today. And no matter how much time passes between our meetings it is always like no time has passed at all.
Tonight Matt shared with me a bit of what his life has been like lately; going to Hawaii and Thailand, what God has been teaching him, and the work he has been able to do for the kingdom, as well as some ideas for the future. One thing that Matt kept bringing up tonight though was finding his identity in Christ, and that really struck me. Is that where I find my identity?
There are so many different things that we can use to find our identity: careers, friends, romantic relationships, partying, etc. And not all these things are bad, but what I am concerned with is whether my primary identity is found in Christ. Am I a math teacher who likes Christ or a Christ-centered laborer who teaches math? I really feel more like the former than the latter all to often, but I pray that that will start to change.
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